• Cigar Salon

Explore the Profound World of Cigars
Far Removed from the Frantic Pace of the Outside World

Cigars are an indulgence that hotel founder Senji “John” Kanaya never parted with for even a moment.

To John, savoring a cigar was an unparalleled luxury. The world of cigars was one that the hotel’s founder never ceased loving. He created the cigar salon out of his desire to give guests a feel for its depth.

Visitors can enjoy the rich aroma and heady flavors of the cigars under atmospheric low lighting to their heart’s content. As they savor pairings with food and a diverse array of alcoholic beverages, visitors can get lost in warm conversations with close friends and loved ones alike as they forget all about their busy everyday lives and immerse themselves in their own private world. Guests can spend a relaxing and elegant time here by virtue of the fact that the cigar salon is far removed from the frantic pace of everyday life.

The walls of this dignified and stately space are adorned with portraits of prominent figures who were cigar aficionados themselves. The invaluable pieces of Old Noritake china decorating the salon’s gallery space are prized pieces from John’s own collection. In addition, we have cultivated an atmosphere in which visitors can enjoy freely partaking in cigars, such as by setting up chess sets suited to the luxurious atmosphere. We encourage you to enjoy this extraordinary experience by lighting the tip of a cigar and inhaling deeply.

Hours: Available 24 hours a day
*Cigars can be purchased from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Cigar Salon

Cigar Salon


The lounge offers Cubans and other premium cigars from around the world.
Here you can watch time slowly drift by like smoke from a cigar.

Alcoholic Beverages

Pairing cigars with a wide variety of alcoholic beverages such as whiskey and wine will make you forget all about the harried pace of the outside world.

Cigar Salon

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